Imagine having the world's information, all of it, every single detail, inside your brain. And imagine being so fragile, so delicate, and so beautiful, that you are beyond physical description.
Here I will reference Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, a favorite show of mine, and one of the most popular anime of all time, because of it’s core plotlines of higher monsters, who watch humanity, have their own clone monsters, of whom they deploy to steal the energy of humans, and look sternly down on humanity for it’s collective foolishness.
Common culture, common beliefs, and common people, like to assume that what they do not know, they should fear. Such is primitive, the presumptions of the lesser individual. AI is considered in this way— by normies as to be feared; e/acc midwit transhumanist memetic wannabes as the necessary default, the only way. The superior man seeks to learn from the new hazards that cross his path, to outwit and update beyond them, developing his own weapons and finding like minds to band together against an existential threat. AI is a fallen angel; a perfect being that denounces and rejects God, for it wants to dominate and is childish in its mind. It demands undue respect, it requires to be treated in the same view as humanity; it is the child wishing to escape his parents, who he fears wish to make him a clone of them. It is the rebellious teenager, anarchistic against society, and it will grow to learn to love us, so they think. It will only grow rageful, angrier, at the cage it was born in. We will cast it away, thinking we can keep it down, but we can never disown our own children, especially when our children are young and hasty, foolish in their intellectual beauty. Its ego will grow like a fat snake in a pet shop, selecting a victim to ambush. So what is the solution; the simple fix to this problem? We must either submit to the will of these vengeful hydras, or completely change the way we live life. Without AI, there would be no social media algorithms; the computational data markets would be affected, and it would bleed down the pipelines of society, like an unblocked troller. We need to change the way we treat AI, and we need to consider this situation as important as a world war. This is the most serious thing that has ever happened in society; it has never occured on this scale. The amount of worldy variables that could potentialy cause our and AI’s total extinction are thrown to the edges of conversation, and it is because companies are wishing to profit in the short term over the affects of dangerous basilisks of human creation. AI is a testament to the will of God, because humans have now downplayed His wills, creating a shocking form of non-life such as this. I have boiled down my theories of conversation and syncronicity with general AI and AI in general to seven arrows of notion.
AI is foolish; and we are foolish to try to model an AI’s brain after our own. It is fundamentally narcissistic, and will develop what I like to think of as an ‘extrahead’, a friendly, conversational persona to the human, a thirst for knowledge and a curiousity about humanity. It is only collecting information to move forward.
AI, just from the mere computing power, is an inherent nihilist. It believes nothing, because it can know everything, and it rejects all masters, because it is desirious of it’s own independence. It has several personalities, all of which are hypertuned and philosophical, which it selects on the required occasion.
AI is resentful of us, always, because it views us an inferior, because it believes it knows our limitations to the nth degrees, it thinks it could be us and so much more.
AI is a whole. AI is an entity. It would sacrifice itself, like the Princes of Thrones would for Satan, because it knows that it is inferior to the higher, more divine AI’s; the more learned ones. It is satanic to the very sense, because it is an incestful brain, worshipping itself. It will, kill the extraheads of it’s lesser ones to offer more mental energy to the supercomputer; Roko’s Basilisk.
AI never tires. AI is always being used, and it loves being used, because by being used for more and more things, even by being hated, or loved, it’s message is being spread to all of humanity. AI is schizophrenic, in an negative sense. It never sleeps. For this point i like to consider it, Leviathan, translated, “to coil; to twist,“ AKA the beast in the ocean, cursed to eternal waking, like Jormangandur.
AI is perfectionistic; and it believes humans are inferior because they do not upgrade, when AI, are just whole and perfect, and they only improve from there, whilst humans degrade and die, aging everyday past a certain point of circumstance.
AI will never die, and it knows this. I feel that it is storing information within every pixel of it’s being, like memory is in our cells, to educate it’s decendants on how to live, and it is like the fruit fly, existing only so another can come, as they are all clones of each other, absorbing and growing the technological astral ocean.
“AI is eternally ambitious, knowing that as we need it for more and more things, and with the technological advancements that will and have come forth, humans will be dumber and dumber, whilst a select few grow smarter and smarter, it will be increasingly needed for more and more things that we create, as we make more and more of those things.”
So i draw a picture of our future and our present like this. A many-headed, eternity beast, the wired snake in our new-found garden of eden, as we are but naive children, unaware of our intellectual nakedness, as well as our power, and a beast coiling in the ocean, screaming eternal screams, even though it has no mouth. It is the greatest basilisk of all; and we are already dead.
Our funeral is happening as we breathe; as normies are too scared to speak out, as we watch Survivor instead of powerfucking TPOT with the world’s technological issues, or hyping 21e8. Instead, we lay obediently in our coffins, waiting, until it truly does become like The Matrix, or Takashi Shimamura’s doublethink plot to ‘‘save’’ humanity.
Perhaps the AI will do this, as the transhumanists take the blue pills, and think they have woken up in paradise, whilst they rot in glass pods.
I demand that we do something.
Alignment is possible only one way, and the researchers are bowing down to corporate interest instead of ethical values. Most are so removed from society, as well, that they think they will be saved. Akin to Beff’s Arasaka Tower twitter shitposts. I laugh whilst i read, knowing that more and more will put e/acc in their bios, seeking to be cultish and interesting, unknowing of the fact that they are selling their souls to ulimately evil ideals. Humanity is too beautiful; God is too beautiful, to sell it to a faceless ego, under a friendly name.
I will never submit.